Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The teams

I see the teams that play in this leage.

In the NBA there are more teams than in the ACB.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Me and why did I choose baskatball?

Hello my name is Ana. I choose to talk about basketball because I realy like it I practice it in school, I play in the school team and I play against other teams with my school and outside school friends. I realy like it because its my favourite sport and I also go and watch the Gran Canaria to the CID(the court were they play), an watch other teams play against each other in the T.V.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


This are the two most important leages most people an I know:
ACB stands for association of basketball club. In this leage play teams from all Spain. It is the best leage of the world for me, but some people say the best one is the NBA(nacional basketball association), wich is played in the USA.

In the ACB all the teams play 36 matches in the hole leage, once outside and once in thier court. The clasification works like this; at the end of the leage the first 8 play the playoffs the rest of them don´t play more until the next year. The last two teams of the clasification might go a level down and don´t play in the ACB until they get 1º or 2º in a lower leage. Just like in football!!

In the NBA is nearly the same as the ACB, the only difference is that they play 60 matches in total,well their is another difference; in the NBA there are some rules of how to play a bit difference. The clasification is the same. Now th most interesting part is that the teams that wins in the NBA will get a ring and the one that wins in the ACB will recive a cup.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gran Canaria 2014

I am going to talk about this team because I am from Gran Canaria and I go and watch them all the weekends they pay. There are new players that are very good and that only that we are starting. New player like Will Mc Donal, Jessy Carrol... and lots more, but we can´t forget the old ones, the ones tha have been there lots of years playing in the differnt Gran Canaria, because the patrocinator changes just like: James Austine, Josh Fisher, Jim Moran, Savané...
This is the new team:

4 Josh Fisher 1.89
5 James Austine 2.08
6 Óscar Alvarado 1.84
7 Sitapha Savané 2.01
11 Tomás Bellas 1.85
13 Marcus Norris 1.85
14 Daniel Kickert 2.08
20 Jim Moran 2.00
22 Jaycee Carrol 1.88
34 Melvin Sanders 1.96
45 Will Mc Donal 2.06

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


In this article I am going to talk about the actual winner of Europe and of the World, and also the second best team of the olimpic games...

This is the teams of the hole of spain and certenly it is the bes so because this is the best selection and not only in basketball also in football.
The basketball players are called the golden boys, so now I am going to present them:

Pau Gasol

Rudy Fernandez

Ricky Rubio

Juan Carlos Navarro

Victor Claver

Felipe Reyes

Carlos Cabezas

Raul Lopez

Sergio Llull

Marc Gasol

Alex Mumbru

Jorge Garbajosa

This person couldn´t play the Europe championship because injured but he is one more of the team he is:

Jose Manuel Calderon